Hackney Community Law Centre

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Every Child in Need Campaign


The Every Child in Need Campaign has made excellent progress in recent weeks.  The campaign concerns the consultation which has commenced in relation to the Department for Education’s proposed changes to the statutory guidance concerning children in need.


A campaign and information meeting was held on 26th July at Doughty Street Chambers, following the launch of the website. The following charities and organisations have signed up to support the campaign: Ambitious about Autism, Down’s Syndrome Association, ECPAT UK, Howard League for Penal Reform, Just for Kids Law, Legal Action Group, Mencap, National Autistic Society, National Deaf Children’s Society, NYAS, Scope, Special Needs Jungle and Voice. 


The campaign has also gained the support of a number of law firms who work in this field (see website). The campaign group met with representatives from the Department for Education to discuss their concerns on 21st August 2012, having requested a meeting with the Minister, Tim Loughton MP.  They also requested meetings with Professor Eileen Munro and the Children’s Commissioner.


If your organisation has not already signed up to the campaign but would like to support us, please let the Every Child Campaign know.  They would welcome further support. Many thanks if you have already signed up. If you have not already done so, please do consider putting links to the campaign’s website and to the e-petition on your organisation’s website.


Please also send them links to your site and they will do likewise. For Twitter, a reminder that the hashtag is #EveryChildinNeed. The online petition can be found at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/36432.  If you have not already signed the petition, please consider doing so and please do circulate the details, both of the petition and of the campaign. The consultation closes on 4th September 2012. 


Please make sure that your responses to the consultation are submitted in advance of that date.  The Every Child in Need Campaign is in the process of finalising its response to the consultation, and this will be available on the website soon.


For more information please email: info@everychildinneed.org.uk
