Hackney Community Law Centre

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Welcome James!


HCLC is delighted to welcome James Krumrey-Quinn as a new intern.  

James (pictured right) comes from Australia where he was called to the New South Wales Supreme Court in July 2012. In Australia, James volunteered as a clerk to a Judge in the Supreme Court of South Australia and was also an intern at the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative in Accra, Ghana, where he attended police stations to

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HCLC joins national legal aid protest


On Monday 6th January 2014, HCLC staff and interns joined barristers, solicitors and campaigners from all over the country to protest at  Government proposals to make even more cuts to criminal legal aid.

This was the first time ever in the history of the Criminal Bar, that practising barristers had walked out of court, en mass, to take industrial action. HCLC was represented at the prote

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Save Legal Aid! Demonstrate on Monday 6th January 2014


Name of event: ‘Demonstration – Save Legal Aid’ Date: Monday 06 January 2014 Time: 9.30am – 10.30am Place: Westminster Magistrates Court, 181 Marylebone Road, NW1

More information HERE!    

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Season's Greetings!



Thank you for your support in 2013 and looking forward to continuing to work with you in 2014! We are closed from 1pm on Tuesday 24th December 2013 until 10am on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

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HCLC is recruiting for a Housing and Welfare Benefits Caseworker!


HACKNEY COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE seeks a new: Housing and Welfare Benefits Caseworker:


Salary - Ј25,000 Key duties: • To provide a comprehensive housing and welfare benefits advice service • To provide specialist casework and representation in housing law and welfare benefits • To deliver a housing advice service under a LAA housing contract. The successful candidate will have specia

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Barrister Tunde Okewale becomes HCLC Patron!


HCLC is delighted to announce that Tunde Okewale, currently a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, has accepted our invitation to become a Patron of Hackney Community Law Centre.

Tunde grew up in Hackney and attended Orchard Primary School and Cardinal Pole Secondary School, which is literally around the corner from HCLC's office in Lower Clapton Road. Tunde is a committed criminal defenc

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VACANCY: Big Lottery Sustainable Advice in Hackney Project


The Hackney Advice Services Transition Fund  project requires the following:

Training and Development Supervisor (Full time) - recruited by East End Citizens Advice Bureaux Salary Ј30,000 (inclusive of LW) Fixed term – 2 years from start date You will: lead in recruiting and be able to train volunteers using the Citizens Advice certificated training programme; provide a range o

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HCLC leads Big Lottery Advice Services Transition Fund


HCLC is pleased to announce that we are leading the Hackney Big Lottery Advice Services Transition Fund (ASTF).

The Big Lottery set up the nationwide Advice Services Transition Fund to enable local not-for-profit advice providers to continue providing advice to their local communities. The Big Lottery wishes the two-year funding to be used to help the not-for-profit sector transform and a

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Delicious Support for the Hackney Migrant Centre!


HCLC is really pleased to support the publication of a new cookbook aimed at raising funds for our friends and colleagues at the Hackney Migrant Centre and North London Action for the Homeless.

Helena Smith's 'Eat Hackney' cook book, as featured in the Hackney Gazette and Hackney Citizen newspapers, features 30 mouth watering recipes, reflecting the national dishes of the many different c

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Welcoming HCLC's new Benefits Caseworker


Thanks to the London Borough of Hackney who have provided us with special funding, HCLC is delighted to welcome Marie Froysa Hole (pictured right) to the Centre as our new Benefits Caseworker.

Marie studied International Relations at the London School of Economics before undertaking a Graduate Diploma in law at BPP Law School. She also completed the Legal Practice Course (LPC) at the College o

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HCLC Board welcomes Victor McAllister, Andrew Wingfield and Dwayne Fields


HCLC is very pleased to welcome three new members to our Board of Directors.

Victor McAllister, Andrew Wingfield, and Dwyane Fields all bring immense experience and expertise to the Board. Victor McAllister (pictured above) is the current Chief Executive Officer of the Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation (HCEO) based in Stoke Newington. Victor was born in Guyana before moving to Hackney

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HCLC & Big Voice London respond to Home Office Consultation on Stop & Search


HCLC is very pleased to have teamed up with the Big Voice London project to respond to the Home Office's latest consultation on police 'stop and search' powers.

Big Voice London was launched in January 2011 to compliment the Supreme Court’s outreach work.   It is volunteer-led and volunteers are generally post-graduate law students committed to youth access.  Big Voice is unique in the

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Hackney Council Discretionary Housing Payments


If your rent is not met in full by housing benefit and you have a temporary situation which makes it difficult to pay your rent, you can apply to Hackney Council for extra help in the form of discretionary housing payments (DHPs).

To qualify for a payment you must be receiving housing benefit, and need to satisfy Hackney Council that there are very good reasons for an award. Discreti

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Refugee Council Destitution Service


The Refugee Council has launched three new drop-in services to help provide practical advice and support to destitute asylum seekers, including advice and support on health, a meal, and emergency provisions at three different drop-in centres each week.

These services provided at: 1. Central London Day Centre in partnership with West London Mission. 19 Thayer Street, London W1U 2QJ Monday

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Diane Abbott MP congratulates Hilton von Herbert on LALY award


HCLC patron and local Member of Parliament Diane Abbott (pictured above) has sent a letter to Hilton von Herbert congratulating him on winning the 2013 Immigration Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year' award. 

Read Diane's lovely letter to Hilton HERE. And read Hilton's response to Diane HERE.

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Hilton von Herbert wins Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year award!


Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards....  [Read More]

Meg Hillier MP speech in Legal Aid parliamentary debate


Meg Hillier MP, the Law Centre's local Member of Parliament and HCLC Patron (pictured above), spoke in the backbench debate on legal aid that took place in Parliament on Thursday 27th June 2013.

Read the full transcript of Meg's speech below: Meg Hillier (Hackney South and Shoreditch) (Lab/Co-op): I want to talk about the impact of the proposals, the process and the politics of the situ

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Dalston Pop-Up wins Law Works Pro Bono Award!!!!!!


On Wednesday June 19th 2013, at a special awards ceremony at the Royal College of Surgeons, our ‘Dalston Pop-Up’, our dedicated evening debt and consumer law advice service, in partnership with BPP Law School; Debevoise and Plimpton LLP; Faegre Baker Daniels LLP; Law Works; and the London Borough of Hackney Libraries Service, won the Law Works Pro Bono Award 2013 for 'Best Partnership

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Welcome Sheherezade, Havlin and Jordan!


HCLC is delighted to welcome three new interns from the University of Richmond and George Mason University following a successful placement by Danielle Brown, another US student last year.  

Havlin, Sheherezade and Jordan are spending the summer with HCLC shadowing solicitors and caseworkers to gain an in-depth experience of our work. Read a little about each of them below: Sheherezade M

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London Legal Walk 2013


On Monday May 20th 2013, Hackney Community Law Centre participated in the 2013 London Legal Walk organised by the London Legal Support Trust.  

Last year’s walk saw more than 6000 people take part and more than Ј500,000 raised! The London Legal Walk is a 10km sponsored walk around some of London’s legal landmarks.  It is (probably!) the largest annual gathering of lawyers in the world.

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