A social justice warrior: in memory of Nathaniel Mathews September 1967–April 2022
Sean Canning is a solicitor at, and the manager of, Hackney Community Law Centre.
[Read More]Nathaniel Mathews: a champion of access to the law for everyone
It is with the deepest sadness that Hackney Community Law Centre (HCLC) announces the death, after a short illness, of Nathaniel (Nat) Mathews, our housing and senior solicitor and previous recipient of the LAPG Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year (LALY) award.
[Read More]![The Upper Tribunal clarifies when foster carers are exempt from the ‘bedroom tax’: LBWF v PO [2022] UKUT 58 (AAC)](includes/user_items/images/thumbnails/user_item_default.jpg)
The Upper Tribunal clarifies when foster carers are exempt from the ‘bedroom tax’: LBWF v PO [2022] UKUT 58 (AAC)
Our Jeremy Ogilvie-Harris and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers represented the claimant (respondent) in the case LBWF v PO [2022] UKUT 58 (AAC).

Doughty Street Chambers give an insight into the Akinsanya Case and its implications
Mike Spencer of Doughty Street, who was counsel alongside Simon Cox for Akinsanya, writes a post about the Court of Appeal judgment in R (oao Akinsanya) v. SSHD [2022] EWCA Civ 37 and what it means.

The London Borough of Croydon agrees to revise its housing allocations scheme following judicial review claim: R (oao RQ) v London Borough of Croydon)
The London Borough of Croydon has accepted that its allocations scheme unlawfully excluded several classes of eligible individuals and agreed to amend its policy. Our Jeremy Ogilvie-Harris acted for the claimant.

The Court of Appeal gives judgment in Akinsanya
Akinsanya judgment in Court of Appeal: Home Secretary must re-think EUSS rules for Zambrano carers. Our solicitor, Beya Rivers, represented the Claimant/Respondent.
Zambrano carers and the EUSS Scheme – What you need to know
Zambrano carers and the EUSS Scheme – What you need to know
[Read More]10/6/2021
Law Centre success in challenging unfair Government immigration restrictions. High Court rules that Home Office EUSS policy excluding Zambrano Carers with limited leave is unlawful
[Read More]PRESS RELEASE: Hackney Community Law Centre successfully challenges DWP on Universal Credit rules
Hackney Community Law Centre (HCLC) has successfully represented a client in a judicial review claim against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
[Read More]HCLC Submission to the Independent Review of Administrative Law
Hackney Community Law Centre has submitted formal evidence to the Independent Review of
Administrative Law.
Hackney Community Law Centre is recruiting volunteers for the term 13 April to Friday 3 July 2020
Hackney Community Law Centre is recruiting volunteers for the term 13 April to Friday 3 July 2020.
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Xmas 2019
Please note that Hackney Community Law Centre will be closed from Friday 20 December 2019 at 5pm and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2020 @ 10.00am.
If you need urgent housing advice please contact the Shelter Helpline: 0808 800 4444.
We wish you all a very Merry Xmas!
Hackney Community Law Centre is recruiting volunteers for the term 30 September tor to Friday 20th December 2019.
[Read More]HACKNEY COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE is recruiting a Welfare Benefits Caseworker
HACKNEY COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE is looking for an experienced welfare benefits specialist to join our team who meets the LAA supervisor standards. They will be expected to deliver a range of outreach, advice, casework, and representation services to Hackney residents, with a focus on the impact of Universal Credit. They will also be expected to provide money management and financial capability training to residents needing support. The intention is to provide clients with legal support which is as holistic as possible and which helps clients’ achieve sustainable improvements in their circumstances.
You will be expected to run a caseload and provide advocacy at the First Tier and Upper Tribunals.
You will be part of an award winning strong social welfare team. We have a public law contract and will also be looking to identify suitable cases for judicial review.
[Read More]28/1/2019
Hackney Community Law Centre is recruiting two legal interns for the term 8th April to 28th June 2019.
[Read More]HACKNEY COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE is recruiting a Triage Advice Worker/Administrator
HACKNEY COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE is recruiting a Triage Advice Worker/Administrator.
Salary: £28,000 per annum
Funded by the Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities programme this post is ideally suited to someone with an interest in social welfare law and who is committed to access to justice. The successful candidate will carry out a range of triage based work covering face to face and telephone advice but also work over a range of administrative tasks to support the Law Centre’s work. Due to the mix of responsibilities the post is unlikely to be suited to a person with interest in conducting legal casework exclusively.
[Read More]Thank you for supporting HCLC's London Legal Walk
Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored Hackney Community Law Centre's 2018 London Legal Walk.
[Read More]Declan O'Callaghan appointed a judge
Hackney Community Law Centre is delighted that Declan O'Callaghan, a HCLC patron since 2013, has been appointed a judge of the first tier asylum and immigration tribunal sitting at Taylor House, London.
[Read More]11/4/2018
On Monday May 21st 2018, Hackney Community Law Centre will be participating in the 2018 London Legal Walk organised by the London Legal Support Trust.
... [Read More]MEET THE HCLC TRUSTEE: Ian Browne
Hackney Community Law Centre (HCLC) is delighted to introduce HCLC trustee Ian Browne. Ian joined HCLC's Board of Directors in December 2017 at our Annual General Meeting.
[Read More]