Hackney Community Law Centre

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Hilton von Herbert trains East London clergy in Immigration Law


 On Friday 10th October 2014, Hackney Community Law Centre held a immigration law training session for clergy (religious and non-religious) from all over East London.  


Thirty curates, ministers and priests attended the event, which took place the St John at Hackney church, next door to HCLC's offices. The training session was run by Hilton von Herbert, senior supervising immigration caseworker (pictured above), supported by Miranda Grell, Business Development Manager for the ‘Sustainable Advice in Hackney’ project.


The purpose of the event was to help local clergy and church workers better assist their congregations and others with the growing immigration problems they are facing. The session was the result of discussions with Hackney Borough Ecumenical Deans Group, which is chaired by HCLC's Chair Cllr Ian Rathbone. Embedded image permalink


HCLC is very grateful to Father Rob Wickham of St John at Hackney (pictured above with Hilton con Herbert) for making a room available for the training.


*If you would like to be sent any of the materials from the immigration training session please get in touch*.

